The Bachelor of Business Administration course is the gateway to numerous job opportunities in a plethora of sectors like Marketing, Human Resource Management, Education, Finance, Sales to name just a few.
The Department of Business Management was established in the year 2008, initially with an intake of 48 students. It offers undergraduate programme in Business Administration. Since its inception, the Department has been actively involved in academics and setting standards in helping students manage their career. The three year professional under graduate course is open to students from all the streams. It includes complete knowledge of Leadership and Management.
The Bengaluru Central University has revamped the BBA Curriculum to meet the changing needs and interests of Under-Graduate students centered on the mission to develop leaders who make a positive difference in the Society. Now the BBA’s will have greater opportunity to apply class room lesson to real world experiences with companies and organizations. An integrative learning approach featuring a core group of cases in diverse subjects will give students functional knowledge from multiple perspectives and develop their ability.
- To Develop Critical Thinking, Communication and Decision making skills.
- To train students on basic skills and aptitude to take up various roles in business.
- To make them responsible to specialize in the areas of management like human resource, finance, operations, marketing and systems.
- To create awareness on micro level concepts of business and management like insurance, retail marketing, supply chain, knowledge management etc
- To develop the culture of business and entrepreneurial aptitude among the people at large.
- To develop ethical behavior and social responsibility among students.
- To derive fundamental understanding in the core concepts of Business Management.
- To supports the students to achieve a winning career in the field of Business.
- Management Fest
- Industry academia Interaction- Guest Lecture, workshop, Seminars
- Exhibitions
- Paper Presentation by Students in Conferences
- Field Study
- Community services
To develop competitive women managers with a concern for society through an environment of Intellectual Vibrancy, Research and Best Management Practices.
The Department of Management aims at building competent human capital for employment in various sectors of the economy. It will remain focused on the need to the formation of overall development of students who will be sensitive to the society and become change agents for our developing economy.
The Values we declare in the Master of Business Administration program are:
- Integrity: Honesty, truth, quality and authenticity are the guiding principles of our actions. Academic integrity is the foundation of our Research and Educational methods.
- Responsibility: We serve and acknowledge the commitments we have with stakeholders. We continue to intellectually challenge our students to reach their potential and inspire them to be productive members of our Society.
- Experiential Learning: We are active participants in the community. Our roles include but are not limited to; developing meaningful projects for our students and stakeholders, integrating academic research with experiential learning and serve as a source of expertise and information for our communities.
Ms.Lily Regina Arthi Moses M.B.A, K-SET, NET, (Ph.D) |
Designation Head of the Department & Assistant Professor |
She holds an Engineering degree in Computer Science from Bharathiar University and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Periyar University. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D at Periyar University, Salem. She has qualified the UGC National Eligibility Test for Assistant Professorship and also the Karnataka and Tamil Nadu State Lectureship Eligibility Tests. She has profound teaching interest in Human Resource Management, Strategic Management, Research Methods and Entrepreneurship and was awarded for centum results for the academic year 2018 and 2019. Her research focus is on Knowledge Management in Higher Education. She has contributed a good number of research papers at National and International Conferences and has also several publications in peer reviewed journal to her credit. |
Ms. Sheetal G M.B.A,PGPM (Ph.D) |
Designation Assistant Professor |
She is MBA & PGPM specializing in Finance & Human Resource Management. She has been active in research work and has published few research papers in national and International Journals and Books. Her training interests include Tally.ERP 9. She is also a active member of Bangalore central University for valuation of under graduate students University Examinations .She is austerely involved in the process of students’ overall and career development and current knowledge updation. She is socially conscious and incessantly espoused to the cause of promoting and providing impetus to humanity. |
Designation Assistant Professor |
Designation Assistant Professor |
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A One-day management fest - “Aspirez” is a call to aspiring managers to create new ideas, build new concepts and generate new thinking dimensions. It is an annual fest organized by the department of Business Administration. Every student unites in a combined and synergized effort to organize the fest. It also provides a prospect to exhibit textbook managerial practices in a more realistic and personal environment thus strengthening and confirming their understanding of core concepts.
The high spirited fest with an over whelming response from students has a wide range of activities which include:
- Ad Maker
- Walk of fame
- Sacks of Mystery
- Twist to Design
- Best Manager
- Fine Arts
- Corporate Magazine
- Documentary
- Product/Service launch
- Profile Presentation
- Business Quiz
- Personality Twist
- Wealth out of waste
- Profile presentation
- Marketing and Advertisement
- Entrepreneurs of the day
- Ad Zap
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Page under Maintenance /Construction
Page under Maintenance /Construction