

In the St. Anne’s Degree College for women   system, sports play an important role in the development of integrated personality of the youth. Sports and Physical activities are essential part of human resources development. These help to develop health, spirit of friendly competition, achievement, national pride and patriotism. With a view to realize and fulfill this great task, college has been organizing Inter Collegiate Tournaments since its inception in 2005. The participation in college athletes in supporting competitions generates a spirit of healthy competition and helps improve their educational and professional competence.

Department has been conducting college Campus sports activities, Inter Collegiate tournaments and Inter Departments Sports competitions & our staff sport competition  events  every year.


To provide adequate infrastructure facilities so that students choose and participate in the events for which they have flair.

Spot and groom sports talent and foster better human relations through sports and games.

Imbibe students with discipline, leadership qualities, courage and sense of belonging through sports activities.


  • Design and introduce innovative, integrated, inter disciplinary curriculum in Physical Education, sports and games and allied areas.
  • Provide adequate Physical Education facilities and Program that are wholesome and attractive so as to enshrine sound mind in a sound body.
  • Encourage and recognize budding sports persons and students with potential and provide coaching and training.
  • Produce dedicated and passionate sports persons, who will always show high morale and sportsmanship at all times.