
Secretary’s Message

 “The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be ignited”.

I am very glad to welcome you all to the portal of St. Anne’s family and wish you all a cheerful and academically satisfying adventure ahead and an amazing stay in the college. The College is affiliated to Bengaluru City University and achieved many feats and climbed new heights. The College was accredited “A’ Grade by NAAC by the manifold blessings of the Almighty in the year 2021.  

Education is not an act of acquiring knowledge but learning a skill to lead life and forming one’s personality. This is an ennobling process of growth. I can witness that we have excelled in every initiative that we undertook and we have stood together in facing the challenges in realizing quality education. In all this, we have made every effort to go extra miles to empower the students and encourage them to face the realities of life. We inculcate in the minds of the students “Not everything that is faced can be changed until it is faced.”

The quality one must possess to win is the conviction of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants and a burning desire to possess it. St. Anne’s Degree College for Women is not just place about education and training but also about building a personality, an attitude, a character, and a versatile person. We are very thoughtful and kind-hearted to the marginalized and the people in need. The ways we teach and the ways our students learn are exceptional and creative. We have plans and dreams in the years to come to achieve the heights.

Martin Luther King, Jr once said that you don’t have to see all the steps of a big staircase. You just have to take that first step to start climbing them.

When we show courage in the face of adversity, we change our life and others.  We have to feed our minds time and again ideas of success, not failure.  We are not scared; we are courageous.  We are not weak; we are powerful. We are not ordinary; we are remarkable.  We should not back down, do not give up.

 We cannot swim for new horizons until we have courage to lose sight of the shore. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.  Remember, the only way we can fail is if we give up. Every time we fail, we come one step closer to success. We fall, we break, we fail but then we rise, we heal, we overcome. If we don’t fail sometimes we are not being ambitious enough. When we look back on our life, don’t have regrets. Believe in ourselves, we will find our way

   Give it your best, and your dreams will come to life. Success is yours.

    Go for your dreams; it is your turn.

We are here to understand, encourage and trigger your minds to think positively and to face the challenges audaciously whatever comes on your way. Life ahead can be exciting, never lose sight of your goals and let love be girded and guarded with patience

My loving wishes to all my dear students and I urge you to meet and greet everyone and make a cordial relationship with all. I would also like to ask you to be enthusiastic and participative in every event to come. Try to be extraordinary in every case to stand out and shine your way out. The day when this phase will end you will surely find a bunch of happy memories with you to laugh and treasure.

Wish you all the best  for your studies!

Rev. Sr. Dr. Margaret Fatima Mary, SSAM
