Counseling Services
Counseling cell in the college aims at promoting well-being, aiding to develop a better understanding of the self, to grow both intellectually and emotionally, to be more satisfied and productive and improve the depth and quality of one’s life.
Counseling Cell does fostering and inculcating life skills to make better adjustments and enriching healthy relationships. This may involve helping with personal, learning and career concerns and promoting success and wellness among them. It allows students to effectively deal with problems and issues before they become unmanageable.
Counseling empowers students with enhanced ability to solve problems, make decisions and deal more effectively with their personal situations. It helps students to alleviate distress, enhance wellness, utilizing their best potentials and facilitate the achievements
The role of a counselor is to offer support to the students to deal with a wide range of concerns -be it academic, personal, emotional, family or peer related through counseling.